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DO YOU NEED A REFERAL TO BE SEEN BY A PODIATRIST?No, just book an appointment and come along!
WHAT SHOULD I BRING WITH ME TO MY APPOINTMENT?If you are coming in for a lower limb assessment, please bring in a couple of shoes that you wear regularly so we can assess them. If wearing a skirt you may want to bring along some shorts. Also ACC claim details, or copayment details if you are not paying for your appointment yourself.
IS THE BUILDING WHEEL CHAIR ACCESSIBLE AND IS THERE FREE PARKINGYes. We are fully wheelchair accessible with handy disability parking by the entrance. There is plenty of off-street parking at the front of the building.
HOW MUCH DOES IT COST FOR A CONSULTATION?We different rates for different types of consultations. New Patients, follow up consulations, ACC consultations, Pensioners. Please use our PRICE LIST as a guide only. If you need further advise please phone us 03 688 9019.
HOW LONG ARE YOUR APPOINTMENTS?Approximately 30 minutes for new patient appointments and 20 minutes for follow ups. 40 minutes for a lower limb assessment.
CAN YOU REFER FOR XRAY, ULTRASOUND AND FURTHER TESTS?"Yes, we can refer you to radiology for xrays, ultrasounds BUT for lab tests we send you to your doctor.
ARE YOU REGISTERED WITH ACC?Yes. We can file you under ACC if you meet the criteria.
WHAT IS YOUR CANCELLATION POLICY?At least 4 notice hour cancellation policy is required. Missed appointments with no notice might be invoiced.
HOW CAN I PAY FOR MY TREATMENT AND DO YOU RUN ACCOUNTS?You can pay be eftpos, cash or credit card (surcharge attached). We appreciate payment of the day of treatment.
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